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Michael Mertig

former Senior scientist

Stay period:Nov. 18, 1995 - Nov. 18, 2010
Now: Professor at TU Dresden
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Michael Mertig received the Ph.D. degree in the field of low-temperature Physics from TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany in 1983. After academic positions at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany, and in the Max Planck Research Group “Mechanics of Heterogeneous Solid States”, Dresden, Germany, he was a scientist at our chair, leading the research group “BioNanotechnology and Structure Formation.” In 2010, he has promoted Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at TU Dresden and Director of the Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measuring and Sensor Technologies, Meinsberg, Germany.
His main fields of interest are biomimetic materials synthesis and high-resolution structure analysis.



ORCID Google Scholar Scopus

Michael Mertig

former Senior scientist

Stay period:Nov. 18, 1995 - Nov. 18, 2010
Now: Professor at TU Dresden
Link to external profile:

Michael Mertig received the Ph.D. degree in the field of low-temperature Physics from TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany in 1983. After academic positions at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany, and in the Max Planck Research Group “Mechanics of Heterogeneous Solid States”, Dresden, Germany, he was a scientist at our chair, leading the research group “BioNanotechnology and Structure Formation.” In 2010, he has promoted Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at TU Dresden and Director of the Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measuring and Sensor Technologies, Meinsberg, Germany.
His main fields of interest are biomimetic materials synthesis and high-resolution structure analysis.
